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What is Personal Coaching?

Personal coaching is about helping individuals to make changes in their lives. Making the changes that you want can be difficult on your own. Personal coaching will help you to decide what you need to change and to support you whilst you are making these changes.

These changes can cover any aspects of your life. Some clients choose coaching because they feel unhappy at work and wish to address issues such as motivation, personal assertiveness or career direction. Others want to deal with lifestyle issues outside of the workplace including relationships and hobbies. Many people are drawn to coaching by a general dissatisfaction or a sense that something could be better.

Personal coaching is also about helping people to achieve their dreams. People may engage a personal coach to help them to do something that they have always wanted to do but never had the confidence to do on their own- a personal coach can provide support during this nerve wracking time.

There are many ‘talking therapies’ and it can be difficult to know which one to choose. Personal coaching is not therapy or counselling- these focus on looking back at past experiences or emotional issues. Nor is it mentoring which is concerned with helping you to improve your skills in a certain area. We offer two types of personal coaching:

  • Goal orientated coaching for those people who are clear about what they want to achieve
  • Spiral coaching for those who know that they want to changes but who feel that the path towards their goals requires them to address personal barriers.

Finally personal coaches have no answers – but awareness that everyone has the answers within themselves. Our skill is to help you find those answers within and to bring them to the surface, where they can be converted into positive action.

Personal coaching takes place through regular ‘face to face’ or telephone sessions. These can be weekly or fortnightly, each lasting around a specified time.
The best way to find out about Personal coaching is to experience it. That is why we offer potential clients a free 40 minutes coaching session.

Details can be found on the Next Steps page.